Welcome to my blog! We're officially LIVE and I am so excited (and a nervous wreck) to finally share the hard work that has been put into making this blog a reality. This is something that has been in the works, prayed over and cried over for quite some time. This blog will be a place where I share things about REAL life, motherhood, essential oils, current styles and the list goes on! I don't want to put us in any type of box.  

When Clay and I were first married, I had a part time job as a teaching assistant. It was a rough year for me. The transition from spontaneous college girl to wife and passionate student teacher to teacher's assistant really hit me HARD. That year I really struggled with purpose. I felt like I had none. I never knew why the Lord drug me through those roles until here recently. 

After teaching full-time for 2 years I decided to stay home and be full-time with my girls. This was not an easy decision to make. I made it some-what kicking and screaming because I truly loved my job, the people I worked with and (most days) the kids I taught. I remember talking to Clay with tears in my eyes saying, "I don't think I am the type of mom to stay home. I just don't know what the right decision is." As I remembered that first year of no purpose and boredom, I immediately became terrified that was going to be me again. Clay was really great in it all. He left the decision completely up to me and the only response he would give me was, "Staci, I just want you to be happy." The straw that broke the camel's back (don't laugh at me) came after watching an episode of This is US.

(Spoiler Alert: During the last episode of the season Randall had just lost his father to cancer. Him and his family are out celebrating the legacy his father left behind. In the middle of enjoying a walk with his wife, he says he needs to go to the office. Earlier that day, the company that he had slaved over and helped create for years sent him a basket of pears (which he is severally allergic to) to send their condolences for his loss. He then walks into the office and makes this "stick it to the man" speech about how he helped build the company, has helped the company in this and this way, and overall basically has nothing to show for it. And he quit his job. The scene ends with his boss asking him, "What are you going to do?" and Randall replies, "I don't know, maybe instead of going for a run in the morning, I'll go for a walk. Slow it down a little. And talk to my mailman. That seems like a good way to start the day." Just watch it)

For those of you that are completely lost because you haven't watched This is US, you need to go watch the entire first season RIGHT NOW. For those of you tracking with me... I LOST it! Now I know I was 8 months pregnant at the time and super hormonal, but I wanted that for my life. I wanted a slow pace where I could fully concentrate on the well being of my husband, my girls and my home. So, decision made. SAHM Life, here I come! 

Although I was very inspired and excited about the next chapter in my life, I was also completely terrified. I did not want to feel like I did my first year of marriage. I wanted to have a purpose and feel accomplished. I hadn't been unemployed with two kids before and I realize there is great purpose in taking care of a hubs, two beautiful little girls and a home. But I still thought to myself I need something

The Lord showed up in a big way. He gave me little puzzle pieces that finally all came together to create the beginning of this forum for sharing. 

This blog is something for me. Something I can spend time doing that means something to me and hopefully with time mean something to others. I am so excited to be writing and sharing ALL the things. 

I am so glad you are here! 

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