Lucille Marie Ireland
Born on April 27, 2017 at 7:31AM, weighing 6lbs. 4oz. and 21 inches long. 
Lulie was due May 10th (with a scheduled c-section date of May 3).

Lulie's birth started on Wednesday, April 26th at one of my favorite restaurants in town, el Carrizo. I was enjoying dinner with my gal pals when I started having some pretty painful contractions. I was in complete denial that I was in active labor because I was certain that after Ellie Clay came early and ended up being an emergency c-section, this baby was going to be born on her scheduled c-section date. The contractions I was having were very sporadic, so I really didn't pay any attention to them until they happened and I was in pain. But little did I know this was the start to a very long night and an even longer morning.

The whole month of April, I had been experiencing pain (and maybe contractions, who really knows?), so we called the hospital to get a clear understanding of when we needed to come to triage being that I was having a planned c-section. The nurse on-call told us to come in if either my water broke or when my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart. Understood.

By midnight Wednesday, I was still having contractions every 8-10 minutes, but the pain had significantly increased. I couldn't sleep and was just praying for the pain to subside. Clay was in and out of sleep helping me time them and asking me, "Is it time? Do we need to go?" I would respond with a breathless hesitation because the contractions weren't 2-3 minutes apart and I did NOT want to be that girl that rolled up to the hospital with her second baby false-ly on the way. So I continued having contractions until I was officially awake and started walking laps at 3:30AM. I called my mom just sobbing from being in so much pain and not knowing what to do. Mom's always know what to do or say in moments like these. She advised me to just go to the hospital, but stubborn me still wasn't convinced. I finally caved and woke up Clay because I had never been in so much pain (even with Ellie) so this had to be labor. He came to the couch with me and kept up with the contractions as I fought through them. Still 8-10 minutes apart.

We already had an appointment scheduled for that morning at 9:00, so in my mind it made sense to wait until then. At the appointment our doctor could check to see what was going on and decide to take us back for surgery or not. However, if you know my husband at all, you would know that he doesn't have the best patience (we're working on it) and he hates to see the ones he loves in pain. So by 5:30AM, he had enough of seeing me wincing in pain and made the executive decision to make our way to the hospital. I showered while Clay woke-up Ellie, dressed her and fed her breakfast. Our daycare didn't open until 6:30, so I waited as patiently as I could on the couch just trying to stay calm. Around 6:00AM, Clay grabbed the packed hospital bags and helped us all out the door.

I remember that morning like it was yesterday. It was a little chilly out. I was wearing shorts and my Magnolia Farms t-shirt. Ellie was super sweet and quiet on the way to daycare, as I sat in the front seat just crying from the pain and emotions. I gave my girly a big hug and kiss and told her I loved her, just in case this was labor. Still in complete denial that the next time we would see her, she would be a big sister.

As we pulled into the hospital parking lot, a feeling of relief set in. We were almost there. Almost to not feeling pain. Almost to the nurses or doctors telling us what was happening. Even though at this point I knew, I still just wasn't prepared to face it yet. We got to the front desk of Labor and Delivery and the receptionist asked for my name and if we were pre-registered (mind you, all the while STILL having painful contractions). Of course, we were not we didn't need to be since this delivery was "planned" (haha). She proceeded to ask Clay and I a bunch of ridiculous informational questions (they really should change the process here) like what our email address is, if we would like notifications sent through texts, I mean ridiculous. 
And then my water broke, right there in the lobby.

Which let me tell you, it doesn't matter if you have had one baby or a million babies, that is the most terrifying feeling in the world. That little trickle of water means a baby is on the way, it means your body is preparing to make way for a baby to enter this world, it means ____ just got real.

As I looked up at Clay terrified, all the emotions flooded in (haha, literally).

We are having a baby.

And we're having her right now

To be continued... 
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